Inline Assign

You can add or edit the assignee, tags, start and due date, and priority of a task with @, #, < > (with ;), and ! directly from the task name.

Type Publish the article @belenda #MKT < <9.30> in the task name.

inline assign

The task will be assigned to Belenda and have the tag Marketing and a due date of September 30th.

inline assign

You can also add or remove assignees and tags from a task, without having to type them all over again.

To add one more assignee or tag to a task, type +@assignee or +#tag in the task name. To remove an existing assignee or tag from a task, type -@assignee or -#tag instead.

add or remove tags inline

Read more on our blog about inline assigning.

Inline assign a task

Assign a task to an existing member with @ directly from the task name.

When you type Publish the article @belenda in the task name, the task will be assigned to Belenda.

Inline set a date and time

Set a start date and due date with < > and ; directly from the task name.

When you type Publish the article <12/27> in the task name, the task will have a due date of December 27th.

inline assign due date

Example date formats you can type

  • Type <04/30;>, the task will have a start date of April 30th.

  • Type <04/30;05/05>, the task will have a start date of April 30th and a due date of May 5th.

  • Type <today> or <tomorrow> or <next week> or <Monday> (or any other days of the week) to quickly set the due date.

  • Type <04/30 13:00>, the task will be set to due on April 30th 13:00.

  • Type <today 15:00>, the task will be set to due today at 15:00.

  • Type <Monday 20:00> or <Mon 20:00>, the task will be set to due on the next Monday at 20:00.

  • Type <+1d>, <+1w> or <+1m> to add one more day, one more week or one more month to the due date, counting from today.

  • Type <+n> (eg. <+5>) or <-n> (eg. <-5>) to add or remove more days from the start and/or due date, counting from today.

inline add or remove days

Tip: This works in a task’s date picker too.

datepicker add or remove days

Date formats allowed

If your month is entered before the day, the input allowed:

  • Apr 30, 2020
  • Apr 30
  • 4/30/2020
  • 4/30
  • 4-30-2020
  • 4-30
  • 4.30.2020
  • 4.30

If your day is entered before the month, the input allowed:

  • 30 Apr 2020
  • 30 Apr
  • 30/4/2020
  • 30/4
  • 30-4-2020
  • 30-4
  • 30.4.2020
  • 30.4

Inline add a tag

You can add a tag with # directly from the task name.

For example, when you type Publish the article #Urgent in the task name and press Enter, the task will have a tag of Urgent.

Note: You need to select [tag name](new tag) in the dropdown if you type it at the end of the task name.

Inline add a priority

You can add a priority with ! directly from the task name.

For example, when you type Publish the article !2 in the task name and press Enter, the task will have a priority of High(an orange up arrow).

Note: Priority from high to low is !1, !2, !3 and !4.

Inline transfer task to another project

You can transfer a task to another project with > directly from the task name.

For example, you can type Publish the article > in the task name and use the arrow key to choose which project you want to transfer the task to.

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.