Edit Project

You can customize your projects to your preference. By adding descriptions and changing the icon’s color and image, it can give your members more information about your project. The description will show in the Overview tab of your project.

project overview tab

Note: You must be project admin to make the changes.

Change project profile picture

Click on the dropdown menu icon next to your project name then select Edit details.

edit details dropdown menu

You can also go to your project’s Overview tab and click on the More Options icon at the upper right corner and select Edit details.

edit details in overview tab

The project icon is set by default, you can upload an image by selecting from the local drive or dragging it to the upload area. You can also choose an icon and color from the menu selection.

change project profile picture

Edit project name

Click on the dropdown menu icon next to your project name then select Edit details.

edit details dropdown menu

You can also go to your project’s Overview tab and click on the More Options icon at the upper right corner and select Edit details.

edit details in overview tab

After changing the project name, click Save to save the changes.

change project name

Set start and due dates for a project

Click on the dropdown menu icon next to your project name then select Edit details.

edit details dropdown menu

You can also go to your project’s Overview tab and click on the More Options icon at the upper right corner and select Edit details.

edit details in overview tab

Click open the Date dropdown and select the desired date for your project. Toggle on Set start date to choose a start date.

edit project date

Tip: You can use the Formula in Markdown feature to perform further calculations based on the dates you have set for your project. For example, if you want to calculate the total duration of your project, you can type something like this in the project’s or task’s description: project.due - project.start and wrap it with double curly brackets.

Add project descriptions

There are several ways to add or edit your project’s description.

Click on the dropdown menu icon next to your project name then select Edit details.

edit details dropdown menu

Or you can go to your project’s Overview tab and click Add description. Remember to save it after editing.

add project description in overview

Another way is to click on the More Options icon at the upper right corner in the project’s Overview tab and select Edit details.

edit details in overview tab

Provide more information for your project. The description will be visible to all of your project members so that they can know more about this project.

After changing the project description, click Save to save the changes.

add project description

When typing your description using markdown, you can embed formulas to generate new insights and simple reports based on the data you have input into your tasks.

To embed a formula in the description area, you will need to put the formula between double curly brackets {{ and }}.

add formulas in task descriptions

Edit project URL

Changing the project URL is only available in Professional, Premium, Enterprise plan. More information can be found at our pricing page.

Click on the dropdown menu icon next to your project name then select Edit details.

edit details dropdown menu

You can also go to your project’s Overview tab and click on the More Options icon at the upper right corner and select Edit details.

edit details in overview tab

Customize the Project URL to your preferences. This change will affect all of the project members. When you click on the old URL, the system will automatically redirect you to the same project with the new URL.

After changing the project URL, click Save to save the changes.

edit project URL

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.