features · May 26, 2022

Permissions and Roles in Quire

Roles and Permissions

Teamwork is all about collaboration, but not everyone has the same role in your organization. That is the reason why we decided to enhance permissions in Quire. Besides the default roles, you can now customize and add more roles to your organization and projects.

Whether you are an admin, a team leader, or a collaboration, here is how permissions control works in Quire.

There is one thing you should know beforehand: Organization level members have more power over the Project level members. To put in other words, Organization Admin has the ultimate permissions, including managing every project within that organization and its members.

Organization level

Admin Normal+ Normal Limited+ Guest
Member management
Invite memebers, manage member's permission
Global access
Access to all projects in this organization if granted in organization-level
Create projects in the organization V V V
Delete projects in the organization V

Normal+ and Limited+ are only applicable for the organization level. These two roles can access all projects in the organization.

Project level

Admin Normal Limited Guest
Member management
Invite members, manage member's permission
Manages project tags
Create, edit and delete tags in the projects
Manage project's statuses
Create, edit and delete statuses in the projects
Change statuses
Complete and change tasks' statuses
Manage start, due, priority, assignee
Install apps V V
Add and edit any tasks (inclucing task's name, description, attachments, and tags), add and remove sublists
Edit with limitations
Add tasks, edit assigned tasks, write comments to any tasks
V V V³ ⁴ ⁵
Delete tasks⁶
Delete the tasks that are created by others

¹ Can only change the task's status when it is assigned to that particular member.
² Can only edit the task's date, status and priority when the task is assigned to that particular member. Cannot edit the task's assignee.
³ Can only edit and delete the comment when it is added by that particular member.
⁴ Edit the task's name and description when the task is assigned to or created by that particular member.
⁵ Change the tags when the task is assigned to or created by that particular member.
⁶ Without this permission, the user can still delete the tasks that he/she created.

Creating new roles and customizing default roles

Customizing the permission roles is only available in Professional, Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found at our Pricing page.

On the Organization Members settings page, scroll down to the Permission Control section to customize what each permission role can do. Click the pen icon on the right-hand side.

The Admin role cannot be edited or deleted.

To change the customize permission role back to the default settings, click Reset to default and select a role you want to change back to.

Of course, the default roles cannot be enough if you are working on a complicated project. You can add new roles to your organization. The good news is you can add as many roles as you wish! Stay creative!

Creating new permission roles is only available in Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found at our Pricing page.

External Team

When you want to outsource your tasks to other team members without giving them the full access to your projects, you can create an External team. The External team can only view and manage the tasks that are assigned to them.

External team is only available in Professional, Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found at our Pricing page.

That's all for today's blog post. For more details, you can visit our guide.

Vicky Pham
Marketer by day, Bibliophile by night.