features · Aug 5, 2015

See What Matters to You with Filter

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Sometimes, when you are working on a project, you only want to focus on tasks that are of the uttermost importance to you at the moment, like see the ones you are responsible for, or the ones that are marked urgent.

One way to do this and not be distracted by the remaining tasks is via the “filter” function. Simply decide how you would like to see your tasks, and follow the steps.

First, click on the filter icon…

By clicking on the filter icon below the project’s name, you will see a menu bar.

My helpful screenshot

There, you can choose what kinds of tasks you would like to see, sort (aka group) and filter them further.

Right now, you are only seeing your Active Tasks, tasks that have not yet been completed.

My helpful screenshot

If you want to see tasks that you have completed, click on “Active Tasks” and choose “Completed Tasks.”

My helpful screenshot

Or if you want to see all of your tasks, both active and completed, choose “All Tasks” instead.

My helpful screenshot

Note: You can hide the menu bar by toggling the filter icon. The green dot indicates you are in a filtered mode.

My helpful screenshot

Now, let us sort and filter the tasks further.

When you sort by…


To see all your tasks ordered by due dates, choose sort by “Date.”

My helpful screenshot

This is what you will see:

My helpful screenshot

Note: We group tasks into 4 categories: Overdue, Today, Due in 5 days and Later.


To see what tasks each assignee is or was responsible for, choose “Assignee” instead. This is what you will see:

My helpful screenshot

Note: You can click on “Clear” in the menu bar whenever you want to return to the default status, which is “Active Tasks” without any filtering.

My helpful screenshot

Next, when you filter by…


If you filter by, for example, Appetizer, from “Tags” like this:

My helpful screenshot

You will see all the tasks that are labeled with Appetizer under whoever is responsible.

My helpful screenshot

Assigned to

If you choose, for example, Crystal, from “Assigned to” like this:

My helpful screenshot

You will see all the tasks that have been assigned to Crystal under Crystal.

My helpful screenshot

Here, you can click on “+” to create a task:

My helpful screenshot

The task will be assigned to Crystal directly.

My helpful screenshot

Assigned by

If you choose, for example, Crystal, from “Assigned by” like this:

My helpful screenshot

You will see all the tasks assigned by Crystal under whoever is responsible.

My helpful screenshot

Created by

If you choose, for example, Crystal, again, from “Created by.”

My helpful screenshot

You will see all the tasks that have been created by Crystal under whoever is responsible.

My helpful screenshot

Followed by me

If you want to see the tasks you are following, choose “Followed by me.”

My helpful screenshot

You will see all the tasks you are following under whoever is responsible.

My helpful screenshot

Note: You will automatically follow tasks created by you.

Now that you have learned the different ways to see your tasks, you can try them out and choose whichever combination fits your needs the best!

Bye for now!

Crystal Chen
Content writer, food lover, and aniholic.