productivity tips · Mar 23, 2021

The Myth of Work-Life Balance and How a Productivity Software Can Help

Productivity tips

Simply put, work-life balance is the flexibility to accomplish work in your business life, and still have the time and energy to enjoy your personal life.

So, when we talk about work-life balance in this article that is what we’re referring to. Essentially, establishing an equilibrium between work and life. Now, there’s no hard and fast rule, no x number of hours for work and y number of hours for life to achieve this balance.

There are some who say work-life balance is a myth, and an unhealthy one at that. And there are those who offer a ton of suggestion on how it can be achieved.

We’re going to briefly explore the difference between what contributes to work-life balance and what does not. And then we’re going to show you how productivity software can help you achieve equilibrium between life and work.

Read more on top 5 business tactics to take into 2021.

When is work-life balance a myth?

Work-life balance becomes a myth when a person thinks it’s about a division of hours.

The idea that as soon as it’s clock-off time you bail, and then the rest of the time is for your life, is problematic. If only because it puts you in this mindset that anyone who talks to you about work outside these hours is being inconsiderate. Which is seldom true.

5 work-life balance myths

The biggest reason people argue in favor of this being a myth is rather simple: most of us don’t know what balance means for us individually. Also, we have some preconceived notion of balance that has no grounding in reality.

Here are 5 of the top things that contribute to this:

1. Compartmentalizing life

An outdated notion stipulated you should divide your day in three lots of 8-hour blocks. Eight hours for sleep, recreation/social activities, and work.

Trying to achieve that would stress anyone out. These outdated model fails to account for travel, energy, and individual circumstances. So, it’s no surprise this myth is outdated and unhealthy.

2. Productivity is a result of hours worked

This is the worst myth. Anyone who thinks working 10–11-hour days every day is going to be more productive is lying to themselves. Sure, they will be the odd day here and there when you’ll need to put in the big hours.

But on average, when you strip back the endless flurry of emails and pointless meetings, and knuckle down and get it down, a usual work day should be enough.

And if it isn’t, then there may be a bigger issue than your productivity.

3. Technology will give us more free time

To some extent, this is true. However, the best technology in the world won’t help if you have the wrong mindset. Especially, as most technology is designed to keep us all connected 24/7.

It’s rare for people to leave home without a mobile device—whether that’s a smartphone or smartwatch. And these devices have our email, social profiles, as well as the ability to call and text.

You are never alone, and this sense of connection can make us feel that we have to be available 24/7. Which is unhealthy.

4. You should always be available

Continuing on from the above point, there is this idea that the best managers and employees are ‘only a phone call away.’ That even in their downtime they can be contacted for all and any business enquiries.

This is bad. If you can’t relax and disconnect for a few days to really knuckle down and get work done, how will you complete anything.

5. Happiness lies in corporate success

It’s odd that this is a myth of work-life balance.

Your happiness should be about who you are as a complete person, not just who you are as a professional.

When you realize happiness is in your relationships with our people, your hobbies outside work, and looking after yourself, you will find that this makes you better at your job. Or, at least, more switched on.

But pretending as though corporate success is the ultimate happiness—or, a big reason for happiness, seems—again—unhealthy.

6. Change is bad

It’s a strange myth of the workplace that constant change is bad. But if you can’t adapt to your current situation, is it the right situation for you?

The business landscape is constantly changing right now, and it’s important to be ready and willing to adapt as necessary.

After all, change is only bad if you’re not willing to accept it.

7. If you’re not at your desk, you’re not working

This has become a myth because of the changing business landscape. Remote workers and technology should have shut this down by now.

But with new technology like productivity software, and the not-so-new wi-fi, you don’t have to be at your desk to be productive and contribute to your work-life balance.

How is work-life balance achieved?

So, we’ve looked at some unhealthy myths surrounding work-life balance. Does this mean it can’t be achieved? That, overall, it really is just a myth?


Because it’s all about your perception. About your approach to your work and to your life.

Achieving work-life balance is about achieving an equilibrium between your professional and personal life. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Your equilibrium and your colleagues’ equilibrium may look different.

7 ways to achieve a healthy work-life equilibrium

Achieving—and maintaining—a healthy equilibrium can be difficult, especially if you’re a sole trader or you work remotely. These seven tips can help you do it successfully:

1. Prioritize time

To-do lists are your friend. Even better are task lists that are prioritized into categories from most important and urgent to neither important nor urgent. With a prioritized task list, it is much easier to plan out your day.

One way to achieve this successful is by using task management, or some other type of productivity software.

The right project management software will help you organize your projects into folders, and those folders will have tasks in an order of priority.

Some software tools allow you to streamline your workflow visually, making working on projects more efficient.

Read more on what work management software is and why your team needs one.

2. Play to your strengths

Too often people try to be all things to all people. And more often than not, they fail. Stick to what you’re good at and let others fill in those gaps. This ensures you are spending time on those tasks where you can provide the most value efficiently.

3. Plan some personal time

Make plans. Whether it’s dinner plans with family, or a movie night, a day outing. Doesn’t matter. But make social commitments; this can help motivate you to be productive, and it will force you to leave your work and recharge.

4. Stick to set work hours

This is especially important for sole traders and remote workers. Stick to a set work schedule as much as humanly possible. But, also, give yourself some leeway. Stuff happens, and the occasional curve ball is thrown.

But, as much as possible, sticking to a set work schedule will help provide boundaries.

5. Know when you work best

Some are morning people and others thrive later in the day. Know when you’re the most switched-on, and assign the high-concentration, tough tasks to that time. This will give you the best chance of success.

6. Exercise regularly

Many studies have been conducted that show people who exercise are more awake, and aware, during the day. And it is easy to cancel fitness sessions, gym, or yoga sessions for work because a client demands your attention all the time.

However, for that proper work-life equilibrium making exercise a priority will only help you. Because regular exercise will help you function better. Which will help you be more productive and efficient.

7. Leverage technology

In the myths of work-life balance, we mentioned how technology has become a bit of a trap. We are connected 24/7, and people feel that because this available, that they now need to be available all the time.

Which is not productive.

But technology used properly can increase productivity and efficiencies. Need to see and respond to feedback in real time? Productivity software allows you to upload documents and other media for feedback from others working on the project.

This can reduce the number of meetings and phone calls, as well as creating transparency so everyone knows where the project is at.

Finding the right productivity tool for your organization provide a wealth of features to help streamline, speed-up and improve project completion rates.

And, in turn, this helps with work-life balance.


Because productivity software improves organization, which gives you a better idea of how long tasks require. And who needs to do them. It also allows you to put away nonurgent, unimportant tasks for a later so they aren’t a distraction.

Project management software

Work-life balance and the role of productivity software

Finding the right balance depends on you and your personal and professional commitments.

One thing that will help everyone be more productive and more efficient is productivity software. The right software tool can streamline the project by improving workflow, communication, and client relations.

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