External Team

You can outsource a task or more to a third party, namely the External Team, without having them see your other tasks or any of your sensitive data. External team members only have access to the tasks assigned to them. They can only create subtasks under the assigned tasks and manage them.

External Team is only available in Professional, Premium, Enterprise plan. More information can be found on our pricing page.

Create an external team

Click on the dropdown menu icon beside the project’s name and select Edit members.

project options edit members

In the External Teams section, click on + Create new team.

create new external team

Choose a name for the team, and add people by entering their email addresses.

add new external team name

Note: External team members are counted towards the total member seats per organization. This will be crucial when you would like to upgrade your Quire organization to a subscription plan.

To edit an external team (e.g. add or remove an external team member), hover over the external team’s name and click on the edit (pen) icon.

edit external team

To delete an external team, hover over the external team’s name and click on the trash icon.

delete external team

Assign tasks to your external team

Simply click on the assignee icon of a task, and choose an External Team from the dropdown menu.

assign tasks to external team

Note: If the task has already been assigned to an external team, you can still assign it to a project member.

External Team member’s permission roles

Below we will list out the permissions for each role and what information they can view and manage in the Quire workspace.

  Admin Normal Limited Guest
Member management
Invite members to the External Team, manage member’s permission
Manages project tags
Create, edit and delete tags in the projects
Manage project’s statuses²
Create, edit and delete statuses in the projects
Change statuses
Complete and change tasks’ statuses
V V  
Manage start, due, priority
V V V⁴  
Manage assignees
V V V⁴  
Install apps V V    
Add and edit any subtasks to assigned tasks (including task’s name, description, attachments, and tags), add and remove sublists
V V    
Edit with limitations
Add subtasks to assigned tasks, edit assigned tasks, write comments to any tasks
V V V⁵ ⁶ ⁷  
Delete tasks
Delete tasks created by External Team members
V V V⁸  

¹ Can only delete tags from the project when the tag is created by the members from the same External Team.
² Is not available for External Team members.
³ Can only change the task’s status when it is assigned to that particular member.
⁴ Can only edit the task’s date, status, and priority when the task is assigned to that particular member. Cannot edit the task’s assignee.
⁵ Can only edit and delete the comment when it is added by that particular member.
⁶ Edit the task’s name and description when the task is assigned to or created by that particular member.
⁷ Change the tags when the task is assigned to or created by that particular member.
⁸ Can only delete the tasks when the task is created by that particular member.

You can customize the permissions for every role in the Organization Members settings. Read more information about permission roles and customizing them.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have already upgraded to the Professional or higher tier, why can’t I add more members to my External Team?

Please note that for Quire’s subscription, it is calculated by the total member seats you’ve purchased per organization. Members added to an External Team are also counted towards the total member seats you purchase.

In the below example, even though Fabio and Sara belong to the External Team, their seats will be counted towards the total member seats when calculating the total price for the subscription of Organization A. So in conclusion, when upgrading Organization A to a subscription plan, you will need to purchase 8 member seats in total.

external team members counted towards total member seats

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.