Formula Field References

Quire built-in fields for tasks

Field name Field type Description Example Notes
me Member The current user me in assignees  
low Priority arrow The low priority arrow subtasks.priority > low  
medium Priority arrow The medium priority arrow subtasks.priority > medium  
high Priority arrow The high priority arrow subtasks.priority > high  
urgent Priority arrow The urgent priority arrow subtasks.priority > urgent  
priority Priority arrow The colored priority arrow of the task subtasks.priority Specify more information for priority.
id Number The unique id number of the task  
name Text The name of the task  
description Text The description of the task subtask.description  
status Status icon The icon of the task’s status subtasks.status Specify more information for status.
previousStatus Status icon The icon of the previous task’s status subtasks.previousStatus Specify more information for previousStatus.
start Date and Time The start date and time of the task subtasks.start  
due Date and Time The due date and time of the task parent.due  
duration Duration The total duration of the due date subtract by the start date subtasks.duration  
peekaboo Checkbox If the task is peekaboo-ed or not subtasks.peekaboo  
archivedAt Date and time The date and time of when the task was peekaboo-ed parent.archivedAt  
archivedBy Member The member who has peekaboo-ed the task parent.archivedBy  
reshowAt Date and time The date and time of when the task will reshow parent.reshowAt  
assignees Member The assignee of the task COUNT(subtasks.assignees) The external teams assigned to the task will not be included.
assignors Member The member who assign the task subtasks.assignors Specify more information for assignors.
externalTeam External Team The external team assigned to the task If the External Team is assigned to a parent task, the External Team will appear in the same field for the subtasks.
tags Tags The tags added to the task subtasks.tags Specify more information for tags.
level Number The number of the task level MAX(descendants. level)  
editedAt Date and time The date and time of when the task was edited parent.editedAt  
toggledAt Date and time The date and time of when the task’s status has been changed parent.toggledAt  
toggledBy Member The member who has modified the task’s status  
createdAt Date and time The date and time of when the task was created parent.createdAt  
createdBy Member The member who has added the task  
completedAt Date and time The date and time of when the task was completed parent.completedAt  
completedBy Member The member who has completed the task parent.completedBy  
timelogs Number of time logs The number of time entries added to the task timelogs.duration Specify more information for time logs.
timeSpent Time The total time spent on the task subtasks.timeSpent  
billingTimelogs Number of time logs The number of billable time entries added to the task billingTimelogs.duration Specify more information for time logs.
billingTimeSpent Time The total billable time spent on the task subtasks.billingTimeSpent  
estimated Time The estimated time of the task SUM(subtasks.estimated)  
favorites Member The member who favorited the task  
attachments Number of attachments The number of attachments added to the task Specify more information for attachments.
comments Number of comments The number of comments added to the task comments.attachments Specify more information for comments.
subtasks List of tasks List of all the first level subtasks of the task subtasks[0].{Cost}  
activeSubtasks List of tasks List of all the first level active subtasks of the task SUM(activeSubtasks.{Cost})  
completedSubtasks List of tasks List of all the first level completed subtasks of the task SUM(completedSubtasks.{Cost})  
descendants List of tasks List of all the subtasks at every level of the task SUM(descendants.{Cost})  
activeDescendants List of tasks List of all the active subtasks at every level of the task SUM(activeDescendants.{Cost})  
completedDescendants List of tasks List of all the completed subtasks at every level of the task SUM(completedDescendants.{Cost})  
parent Task The directly related parent task parent.due  
ancestors List of tasks List all of every parent tasks of the task ancestors.due  
project Project The project that the task belongs to Specify more information for project.
organization Organization The organization that the task belongs to Specify more information for organizations.

Add specified information after a field type

You can use the dot operator . to specify what you would like to call out for a specific field.

For example, if you only type priority in the Formula field, it will show the priority icon as the result. However, if you type priority.value , it will call out the value of the priority, which means that if you assigned the task as Urgent, it will show 2 as the formula result instead of the priority arrow.

Fields for projects

Field name Field type Description Example
id Text The project id
name Text The name of the project
start Date The start date of the project project.start
due Date The due date of the project project.due
color Color code The color of the project project.color
roots List of tasks List of all the first level tasks (root tasks) in the project project.roots
activeRoots List of tasks List of all the active first level tasks (root tasks) in the project project.activeRoots
completedRoots List of tasks List of all the completed first level tasks (root tasks) in the project project.completedRoots
tasks List of tasks List of all the tasks in the project project.tasks
activeTasks List of tasks List of all the active tasks in the project project.activeTasks
completedTasks List of tasks List of all the completed tasks in the project project.completedTasks
organization Organization The organization the project belongs to project.organization

Fields for organizations

Field name Field type Description Example
id Text The organization id
name Text The name of the organization
color Color code The color of the organization organization.color

Fields for sublists

Field name Field type Description Example
id Text The sublist id
name Text The name of the sublist
start Date The start date of the sublist sublists.start
due Date The due date of the sublist sublists.due
color Color code The color of the sublist sublists.color

Note: To reference a specific sublist, you must include either the sublist name or its unique ID enclosed within square brackets [ ] after the sublist field reference. For example, sublists['Design'].due will retrieve the due date for the sublist named “Design.”

Fields for members (assignees, assignors)

Field name Field type Description Example
id Text The username id of the member
name Text The name of the member
email Text The email of the member
color Color code The color of the member assignees.color

Fields for attachments

Field name Field type Description Example
name Text The name of the attachments
url Text The URL of the attachments attachments.url
size Number The size of the attachments attachments.size
createdAt Date and time The date and time of when the attachments were added attachments.createdAt
createdBy Member The member who added the attachments attachments.createdBy

Fields for comments

Field name Field type Description Example
description Text All the comments added to the task comments.description
attachments Number of attachments The number of the attachments added to the comments comments.attachments
createdAt Date and time The date and time of when the comments were added comments.createdAt
createdBy Member The member who added the comments comments.createdBy

Fields for external teams and tags

Field name Field type Description Example
name Text The name of the External Team or the tags or
color Color code The color of the External Team externalTeam.color or tags.color

Fields for time logs

Field name Field type Description Example
user Member The member who added time entries to the task timelogs.user
start Date The start date of when the time logs were added timelogs.start
end Date The end date of when the time logs were added timelogs.end
duration Duration The duration of the time logs added to the task timelogs.duration
billable Checkbox True/ false value of whether the time logs are billable timelogs.billable
note Text The notes of the time logs of the task timelogs.note

Fields for priority, statuses

Field name Field type Description Example
name Text The name of the priority or the status or
value Number The value of the priority or the status priority.value or status.value
color Color code The color of the priority or the status priority.color or status.color

Fields for currency

Field name Field type Description Example
currency Text The currency symbol of the currency field Cost.currency
value Number The currency value of the currency field Cost.value

Note: In the above example, Cost is a custom field and the field type was set as currency.

Fields for selections

Field name Field type Description Example
name Text The name of the selected options
color Color code The color of the selected options Categories.color

Note: In the above example, Categories is a custom field and the field type was set as selection.

Last updated on

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