Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Press Ctrl + F1 or Fn + F1 (for Mac) to see a compact list of shortcuts for easily managing your tasks.

Or click on the Help icon on the upper-right of your Quire workspace and select Keyboard Shortcuts.

This guide provides a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts available in Quire. If you’re new to shortcuts, here are some essential ones to help you work more efficiently while managing your tasks:

Essential shortcuts

  • Press T to quickly add a new task to your project.
  • Press M to instantly add a task to My Tasks from any view.
  • Press Space to open the task detail panel.
  • Press D to enter edit mode for the task description.
  • Press C to start typing a comment for a task immediately.

Task actions

  MacOS Windows
Quick add a task T T
Enter to add a task Enter Enter
Quick add a subtask Shift + Shift +
Quick add a section * *
Turn task to section (vice versa) + S Ctrl + S
Completed selected task(s) + /

Shift + C
Ctrl + /

Shift + C
Delete selected task(s) + Delete Ctrl + Backspace/Delete
Undo + Z Ctrl + Z
Edit task name F2 or + F2 or Alt +

Task modifications

Use the following keyboard shortcuts while selecting one or multiple tasks or when editing a task name:

  MacOS Windows
Assign a tag to a task # #
Assign a task to a team member @ @
Change task status ? ?
Set a start/due date < > < >
Set task priority ! !
Add task(s) to sublist ^ ^
Move task to another project > >
Assign selected task(s) to yourself Ctrl + M Ctrl + M

Use the following keyboard shortcuts when editing a task name:

  MacOS Windows
Indent a task Tab Tab
Un-indent a task Shift + Tab Shift + Tab

For more details, check out our guide on inline assigning.

Formatting texts in descriptions, task names, documents and comments

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to apply formatting while text is selected:

  MacOS Windows
Heading + + Number key Ctrl + Alt + Number key
Bold + B Ctrl + B
Italic + I Ctrl + I
Underline + U Ctrl + U
Strikethrough + + X Ctrl + Alt + X
Code + E Ctrl + E
Link + K Ctrl + K

Main panel shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate and manage tasks efficiently:

  MacOS Windows
Create sublists L L
Show/Hide breadcrumbs or I I
Print task(s) + P Ctrl + P
Move task(s) up or down + or + Ctrl + or Ctrl +
Level up or down a task + or + Ctrl + or Ctrl +
Move task(s) to the top or bottom of the current level + Pg Up or + Pg Dn Alt + Pg Up or Alt + Pg Dn
Move task(s) cross columns in board view + or + Ctrl + or Ctrl +
Cut selected task(s) + X Ctrl + X
Copy selected task(s) + C Ctrl + C
Paste selected task(s) + V Ctrl + V
Multiple select Shift + ↑/↓ Shift + ↑/↓
Select all the relevant subtasks + E Ctrl + E
Refresh when changes are made in grouped/sorted mode R R
Search tasks and comments S S
Open and close the sidebar ] ]

Note: The shortcut for opening and closing the sidebar only works when the sidebar is not pinned.

  MacOS Windows
Blink search (cross-projects or organizations or members) + B Ctrl + B
Search within page + F Ctrl + F
Zoom in a selected task Z Z
Zoom out selected tasks A A
Collapse a group tasks by level
Expand a group tasks by level
Collapse all tasks by level Shift + Shift +
Expand all tasks by level Shift + Shift +
Expand/Collapse the selected level O O
Navigate through workspace (forward) Tab Tab
Navigate through workspace (backward) Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Switch among different tabs ( or ) ( or )
Switch among different task views 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Quick launch or close My Tasks = =
Enter/leave full screen mode + . Ctrl + .
Scroll horizontally in Board and Timeline view Ctrl + Shift + or Ctrl + Shift + or
Switch among different views in Timeline and Calendar view Ctrl + Shift + or Ctrl + Shift + or
Open a task in new tab + O Ctrl + O
Copy link to task + Shift + C Ctrl + Shift + C

Detail panel shortcuts

Use these keyboard shortcuts to efficiently manage task details, descriptions, and comments:

  MacOS Windows
Open/Collapse detail panel Spacebar Spacebar
Quickly expand/collapse detail panel Shift + Spacebar Shift + Spacebar
Edit task description D D
Comment on a selected task C C
Mention a member in description or comment @ @
Refer a task in description or comment # #
Quote selected text in comment reply Ctrl + Q Alt + Q
Edit the last comment (cursor needs to be in the comment input area)
Make a subtask of Ctrl + P Alt + P


  MacOS Windows
Keyboard shortcut list F1 F1

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.