Calendar View
The Calendar view is only available in the Professional, Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found on our pricing page.
When it comes to keeping track of your important deadlines, the Calendar view can help you visualize your project’s milestones. You can use the Calendar view to plan out the important launch dates for your product or the social media events for your marketing team.
You can switch to the Calendar view from the List or any sublists in your project. Click on the Calendar icon at the upper right corner of the main panel. Only the tasks and subtasks with date and time will appear on the Calendar view.
Tip: Press 5 on your keyboard to switch to the Calendar view. Press 5 again to access the dropdown menu for additional options, then use the number keys or arrow keys to navigate through the different options.
Create new tasks in Calendar view
To create a new task in the Calendar view, you can double-click on the date you want to add the task. To give the task more details, you can set status, priority, assignees, and tags to the task using the buttons at the bottom of the task card. s Tip You can inline set the priority (!), assignee (@) and tags (#) for the task. See more information here.
In the Month and Year view, you can click on the + icon at the upper right corner on a given date to create a new task.
Editing tasks in Calendar view
By double-clicking on the task, you will open up the detail panel. You can edit the task name or set assignees, date, tags and add descriptions, descriptions or comments in the detail panel.
Another way to give the task more information is to right-click on the task and use the context menu.
Schedule tasks in Calendar view
To open the task list in the Calendar view, click the expand arrow located in the lower left corner.
By default, unscheduled tasks will be displayed in the task list. To assign due dates to these tasks, simply drag and drop them into the calendar.
Change task’s date in Calendar view
To change the date of the task, you can drag and drop the task from one date to another.
In the Day or Week view, you can drag the edge of the task card to shorten or extend the time range.
Recurring tasks in Calendar view
The future recurring tasks will show in the Calendar view. However, you cannot edit the future recurring task. You can only edit the current active one. By going to the task’s detail panel, you can jump to the active task by clicking on the link at the top banner.
Note: In the Tree view, Board view, and Timeline view, the future recurring tasks will not show until you complete the active recurring task.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I have multiple calendars for one project?
Sure! You can add more sublists to your project and set the default view as Calendar view. This way, when other members switch to the sublist, they will see the Calendar you have created.
- Are there other ways to show my project’s tasks on a calendar view?
Instead of the Calendar view in Quire, you can sync your tasks from your Quire project to your Google Calendar or other calendars. However, it sometimes make take a day for the tasks to sync to the calendars, you can try the instant sync for Google Calendar instead.