Reorder Organizations

By default, organizations in the Workspace section of the sidebar are displayed in alphabetical order. However, you can customize the order by dragging and dropping the organizations to suit your preference.

Note: This customization applies only to your personal view and will not affect how others in the same organizations see the arrangement.

reorder organization drag and drop

To reset your organization order to the default alphabetical arrangement, click the More Options icon next to Workspace in the sidebar, and select Reset to default order.

reset organizations to default order

Hide and reshow your organizations from the sidebar

To keep your Workspace section more organized, you can hide specific organizations.

To do this, click the More Options icon next to the organization name and select Hide. Hidden organizations will appear at the bottom of the Workspace section for easy access.

hide organizations

To restore an organization to its original position in the Workspace section, hover over the organization name and click the Reshow icon.

reshow organizations

Last updated on

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