Set Assignees
You can assign a task to team members so they will know what tasks they are responsible for. When the tasks get updated, the assignee will get notified as well. This way everyone is on the same page.
Single assignee
To assign a task to a member, click on the assignee icon, and select the member directly or use @ on the keyboard then select the member using the up/down arrow key.
You can also right-click on the selected task(s) and select Set assignees to assign the task(s).
Tip: By typing in an email address, you can also invite new members who are new to Quire.
Multiple assignees
Multiple assignees are only available in the Professional, Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found on our pricing page.
To assign a task to more than one member (aka multiple members), click on the assignee icon, and then the Add to assignees icon to toggle on the multiple assignees mode.
Tip: Instead of always replacing the existing assignees when setting assignees, you can change the settings in the Project Settings to add the newly selected assignees as multiple assignees.
Navigate to the down arrow next to your project name at the top and select Options. In the Others section, enable the option Always use multiple assignees instead of replacing the original assignee.
Read more on our blog about multiple assignees.
Assign tasks to members who are new to Quire
Click on the assignee icon, and type in the person’s email to invite him/her to the project. They will automatically join the project once they accept the email invitations.
Tip: You can also invite new members in the Project Member page.
For a group of members who are on Quire
You could assign a task to a group of members in a single time by using the External Team feature.
Go to Edit members by clicking on the dropdown menu icon beside your project names.
Click on Create new team under External Teams, create a external team by typing in a name first.
Enter the emails of your members.
Next time, when you want to a assign a task to a group of members, you don’t have to add one single member at a time. Instead, you can choose the external team you’ve just created.
Assign a task to yourself
Click on the assignee icon and select yourself, or just press Ctrl + M on the selected task.