Email to Quire

You can create a Quire task by sending an email to a specified email address. You can send an email to a specific project and assign it to a member or send it to My Tasks as a personal task.

Email to Quire is only available in the Professional, Premium, Enterprise plans. More information can be found on our pricing page.

email to Quire

Email tasks to a project Permalink

You will need to navigate to the Project Settings page and enable the option for sending emails to Quire first.

project settings options in dropdown menu

Note: Only Organization or Project Admin can enable this feature.

You can send emails to the specified email address then the email will become a Quire task in the project. Each Quire project will have a unique email address. If you would like to customize the email address, you will need to upgrade to the Premium plan or Enterprise plan.

project settings email to Quire

Tip: Another way to create Quire tasks from your inbox is with our Google Add-on integration.

How the email will be translated into Quire’s task:

Email Quire
Email Subject Task name
Email Subject with <Date> Task’s start and due date
Email Subject with #TagName Task’s tags
Email Subject with !Priority Task’s priority
Email Body Task description
To Task’s assignees
Cc Task’s followers
Email attachment Task attachment


  • If the email is added at the bcc field, it will not be recognized and sent to Quire. You can only add the email address at the to or cc fields.
  • If the cc’ed member isn’t invited to the Quire project first, the task will not be assigned to him/her.

Email tasks to become a task’s comment Permalink

You can send an email with the task ID in its subject so the email will become a comment on the task.

For example, if you would like to add the email subject and body to a task with the ID of #123, you can edit the subject of the email to “Sample Subject #123” and then forward the email to the Quire email address.

The task ID can be found in the detail panel of the task or you can press I (for Windows) or (for Mac) to toggle on the Advanced mode so the task ID will appear in the main panel.

How the email will be translated into Quire’s comment:

Email Quire
Email Subject & Body Comment
Email Subject with <Date> Task’s start and due date
Email Subject with #TagName Task’s tags
Email Subject with !Priority Task’s priority
To Task’s assignees
Cc Task’s followers
Email attachment Task attachment


  • If the task ID cannot be found in the project, then the email will create a new task instead.
  • If the email is added at the bcc field, it will not be recognized and sent to Quire. You can only add the email address at the to or cc fields.
  • If the cc’ed member isn’t invited to the Quire project first, the task will not be assigned to him/her.

Email tasks to My Tasks Permalink

You will need to navigate to the Account Settings page and enable the option for sending emails to Quire first.

my tasks account settings

You can send emails to this specified email address then the email will become a Quire task in My Tasks. Your profile ID is used in the email address. If you would like to customize the email address, you will need to upgrade to the Premium plan or Enterprise plan.

account settings email to Quire

Tip: Another way to create Quire tasks from your inbox is with our Google Add-on integration.

How the email will be translated into Quire’s task:

Email Quire
Email Subject Task name
Email Subject with <Date> Task’s start and due date
Email Subject with #TagName Task’s tags
Email Subject with !Priority Task’s priority
Email Body Task description
To Only if you send the email to yourself so the task will be assigned to you
Cc Cc’ed team members will not become the task’s followers
Email attachment Task attachment

Note: If the email is added at the bcc field, it will not be recognized and sent to Quire. You can only add the email address at the to or cc fields.

Read more on our blog about Email to Quire.

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.